What is the right way to develop block chain mobile apps?

Akshay Nanjunda
4 min readMay 20, 2021


What if there is a new technology that has come up and it has a growing popularity there will be definitely a huge impacts on business and block chain is one of them. Block chain has impacted each and every business you name right from health care to fashion and from ecommerce to supply management, this has especially changed the way every thing is developed and the impact is more when it comes to the mobile application

Creating the mobile apps using the block chain technology the right way

Blockchain has the unlimited benefits which has made block chain a technology trend and every one is paying the close attention to the application based on this trend

Listing some of the benefits that are the part of imparting the block chain technology

Reduces the intermediate

There is always a transparency

Increases the security

No space for the unauthorized access

These benefits make block chain technology more suitable for financial institutions,currency exchanges,e-wallet and much more.When you are using the block chain technology you donot want to limit your apps for the financial sectors but block chain expands itself to health care,fashion, e-commerce and many more

Do we really need to integrate the block chain technology to mobile application?

The simple answer is yes,mobile app development is a trend and it is proven by the number of apps that are uploaded in the playstore that is approx 3739 and the number of apps that are uploaded in app stoare is 500 approx.GIven the analytics you will have to take some steps with the app idea or the technology used to make your app stand out

Considering the block chain as the technology that makes our app stand out in the competition lets quickly start looking at the benefits of them

Distributed data

Consider there is a network failure,distributed database always works better when compared to the centralized database .Distributed data is more easily available and easy to share

Safety and security

Block chain is highly secure there is no doubt about it because when there is a distributed data it is difficult to sneak into alter the database .If in case there is a infiltration then in the all of the blocks in the distributed networks will be alerted

Minimum data loss

This is the distributed system any changes or updates are distributed through out the network and it is evenly done this helps in the dataloss

Techniques to develop a block chain android app

Understanding the business idea

Before starting up with any project it is mandatory to know each and every detail of the project and the business idea of it .Apart from developing the the app development team should also be able to understand the business idea of the app so that the app is very successful When developers are well aware of the business idea they can easily choose the front end back end and the platforms of which the app needs to be deployed

Clean interface

The app with blockchain technology should have the clean interface, apps with this technology takes a lot of effort to improve the look and feel of the app at the later stage

Selecting the block chain type

It Goes in hand with what type of app you are developing . There are three types of block chain private public and consortium are the ones each and every type has its own features .If you choose the private block chain mining will not be required.If public block chain is chosen then any one can register as a member of block chain, here member can have the access to entire transaction history and the consortium is a private block chain,it permits the restricted access to the public block chain

Creating proof of a concept

The assumption fo developing the apps with the block chain is completely wrong it is not a bread and butter for creating the apps with the block chain what it takes is the ample amount of time and money as well Hence it is always better to create the proof a concept which ends up in testing the how the business performs seamlessly and the same time speed of the development also increases


The above blog helps you creating the mobile apps with the block chain technology in the right manner and we one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are always a notch ahead in creating the mobile apps with the block chain technology in the right way



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