What do users expect from a mobile app
The usage of the mobile apps are growing rapidly and as the usage of the mobile app grows the demand of the people also increases ,the audience are with the mindset that they dont use anything which behaves same for long, they expect change in everything and it is similar with the mobile apps so lets discuss here what are the audience expecting from the mobile apps one by one
They want elements that are interactive and live
The users would like the elements that interacts with them either when there is a input(touch) or when they stay on the screen ie the elements on the screen should have some movement in them For instance a button sliding out and the new screen is loaded whent the button is pressed makes the app interactive
Personalization is the one they want
Personalization is becoming the mandatory factor for all the apps one of the best example that personalization in one of the apps like grocery is “you have bought some of the items last time of purchase and the next time you want to purchase again in the app, the app would show some of the products based on the purchase of last time where the products are similar to the last time purchase.One more aspect of personalization is “ Think it is your birthday today and you get the notification form the app wishing you a very happy birthday” and that is called personalization Most of the users would like to have these features in their app now a days
They look for the simple registration process
Today what ever mobile app or the web app registration is mandatory for the reason of collecting the data for the further use, they are mandatory from the app makers side to provide the better user experience but from the users perspective the users wants every thing easy, there are instances the users have left the app because of the registration process The registration should be made easy through the forms One should be carful that the fields in the forms should be minimum while registerin and along with the form the option to register through the third party apps like fb,gmail,linkedin etc
They should feel that the data is protected
Be it any app the users should feel very secure for the data they provide since this is the digital world the data that are entered digitally are porn to attacks from the hackers so it is very important to design the app in such a way that the users should always feel secure about the data that they feed with in the app
They want the data synchronization
There are different devices that people use every day be it phone,laptop,computer and laptop in their day to day activity and they do expect the data in one device to be available on all the other devices with out doing the copy paste Lets take a instance where you have finished the work in the office and left but you want the files on the systemt on your phone too with out doing the manual transfer and that can be done through the data synchronization Users do expect that each app should have the data synchronization enabled
They want the rich user experience or the user interface
The mobile phones have taken a lot of transmission for example the phones have been converted from manual keyboard to the touch where earlier you press the physical buttons now touch the screen and further the gestures were introduced when there is such transformation in the mobile phones and the apps users do expect these features that enhance the user experience in the app
Developing mobile apps are common when you develop the apps making sure what the user wants in a app is what makes the difference between the mobile app and a successful mobile app and in the above blog mentions what do the user expect from a mobile app,most of the mobile app development companies in dubai make sure that they deploy these features while developing the mobile apps