what are the thing that you should consider while including the payment option in the mobile app

Akshay Nanjunda
4 min readSep 14, 2021


Mobile apps are usually filled with the feature and one of the feature that most of the mobile app has is the payment options while using these kind of the mobile apps people ususally feel secure while doing the payments and some times they might take the back stage we one of the best mobile app development companies in Dubai are listing some of the points that you should be taking care of while including the payment option in the mobile app

Make sure you give the automatic formatting

Credit card and the debit cards are one of the ways of paying through the mobile apps when they are in the process of doing the payment they might have to fill the credit card or the debit card number some times while fillign the number if the formatting is not the correct one user might get confused as to leave the space between the numbers or not to avoid the confusion one of the best ways of making it easy to the customers is to auto format the credit card number field in the form this makes sure that the user doesnot go wrong while entering the number of the credit card or the debit card

There is another way where you can make it easy for the users there are different cards that are out and each one of them fallow the same pattern of the first four digit inthe cards it is better so to make it easy for the user you can pop up the card symbol as soon as they enter the first four digits of the card

Make sure that you assure the user again

Money matters and it is matter for all when the users are paying the money through the app make sure that you include the amount that they have decided to pay one the middle of the screen before they confirm the payment and make sure that you ask the confirmation of the user about the money that they have to pay by using the button Confirm and then move to the final payment screen this makes the user to be double sure of the transaction that he is doing and will have the trust in the app

Make sure that you tell the errors clearly and give them the options

Errors while doing the transaction on the mobile apps might encounter the error and they might be from the app side or from the bank side it is always better to provide the user with the right error message so that the user might not go back and try to fill the form again and again by giving out the errors clearly they can either call the bank if the errors are from the bank side or try to transact again if the error id from the app side

Building the trust is important

When you are using the mobile apps it is sure that the app store and the play store will check for the security of the app while they are releasing which means once the apps are released they are secure to the extent and when you include some of the images lock resembling that they are secure or mentioning the text in bold “safe and secure: means a lot to the user so it is always better to include the small things that increases the trust in the users

The payments should not be a easy task

When you are including the payment option in the mobile app that you have built make sure that the payments have to go through the number of steps or make sure there are some tkind of authentication before moving to the final phase of the transactions this also gives the users the trust they want if the payment are made to easy there are several instances of the apps in the risk of being attacked and stealing the information also so make sure that the process of the payments are not made too simple


Mobile apps should have the payments as the mandatory now a days and it is very important to include the payment option be taking care of the above steps and we brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in UAE make sure that the payment options are included by taking all the necessary measures that are mentioned above



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