What are the security threats for the mobile apps

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readSep 2, 2021


Mobile apps are built some of them are feature rich and some of them are to the need but while developing this mobile apps it is a must that you should work on the security of the app and while working on the security of the app it is very important to know what are the security threats that might ve encounter during the process of developing the mobile apps or after developing the mobile apps and we one of the best mobile app development companies in UAE are mentioning some of the security threats that can encounter


Most of the threats that are faced by the mobile apps are the malware since they are continuously on the raise and are taking the new forms of attacking the mobiles One of the report says that the 20% of the people were concerned about the amalware while the rest were unprepared for the attack from the malware and did fail to fight against it There are some of the organisations which are more liberal against the malware where they think that the apps thry prepare are safe enough but once the malware are found they destroy the system rapidly Almost 4.5% of the android phones are susceptible to the malware attacks One of the bigger threats of the malware are they can easily transfer from one device to another device Think that you have a business and there is a malware in one of the android apps that you are using for the business it can spoil the entire business for you some times so it is always better to be prepared for the malware attacks when you are developing the mobile apps

Insecure coding

One of the reasons for the attacks could be the practises that you fallow while coding and one if the practises that are a concern is the insecure coding but this is usually falllowed by most of the mobile app development companies and this happens usually there is a high competition to develop the apps fast and release to the playstores to gain the advantage but in the process of doing so the concentration to create the quality and the secure code might be compromised so to make sure that the apps are always secure the coding has to be up to the standards or the coding standards should be maintained


You might be heard of the word ransome ware and this is one of the form of the malware There are cases where the ransome attacks the mobile and they are released only when some of the ransome are paid to the attackers and there are also cases where the ransome are paid but the data and the information that contained in the system were not regained This is also a kind of malware when attacked the mobile apps that are concerned to the working of the business then the attack may cause the business to pay a heavy price


The name says it all this is the type of threat where they attackers hijack the system and using their computer power might steal the crypto currency when there are these kind of attacks the biggest impacts are the battery drain outs and there might be the downtime or some of the operational disruption There are two ways that this attack can happen one if through the code injection and another way is the phishing


The above are the potential cyber threats that can attack the mobile apps or any other system it is always better fir the companies to take care of these threats while developing the mobile apps and most of the mobile app development companies in dubai do take care of these threats



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