What Are The Reasons For App For Getting Rejected In App Store?

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readMay 14, 2021


Developing the mobile apps do take some effort but after the mobile app is developed the process of getting the app approved is difficult most of the times if the apps have even a minute of a glitch and if the app does not get approved the whole hard work is definitely be wasted .with respect to App Store,Apple has dedicated employees reviewing each and every app before they are approved and that is the reason for the quality of the apps you see on the app store

Most of the reasons for the app rejection are fairly simple to handle and can be reworked, so lets start looking into the reason for rejection of the app one by one

Broken Links

There are two major links that app store will look into major is the privacy policy all the apps that are uploaded into the app store must have a link to privacy policy and also the app should have the link to the contact support for contacting the support any time

Bug during the review of the app from the app store

This is the simple say when there are bugs in the app during the review process for sure the app would not be approved by any case so while uploading the app for the review make sure the testing team do a complete check of the app so there are no bugs

Crashes during the review

This is the same as the previous step imagine a app that would crash during the usage by the user that would not only tarnish the apps persona but also the app store that it is deployed so for that reason be it the app store or the play store no platform will allow you to upload the app that is buggy and crashes all the time

Long loading time

There is a set time in the app store that your app has to load if you are deploying the app in the app store and the app has to to load with in 15 seconds and if your loading time is more there are several steps that you can take to reduce the loading tim be it minimizing the image size or be it avoid using the duplicate images or removing the bugs of the app

Poor user interface

User interface is what the app store mainly concenterates on, the user interface has to be highly qualitative The people approving the app look for the proper text size,content format,alighnment,resolution etc

Unrelated keywords

Keywords are important for the apps so that they can feature when some one searches with that keyword and if you add the keyword that are not related to the app then there would be the quick rejection of the mobile app

Inappropriate content

The content of the app has tobe very clear and if the app has content related to socialb abuse or any other objectionable content are not allowed for the mobile apps on the app store

No privacy policy

It is a mandatory for all the mobile apps on the app store to have the privacy policy and a proper link to the privacy policy if you want to get your app approved

Using the apple pay with out the privacy policy

Another point of concern if you are deploying the app one the app store and you have the apple pay option in the app with the privacy policy then that would be a point of privacy breach and mobile app will be rejected


Making apps are tough enough but getting it approved from the app store is more important part and we as one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai have listed out the main options that the app can get rejected from the app store



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