what are the common mistakes that you should avoid during react native mobile app development

Akshay Nanjunda
4 min readJul 15, 2021


React native is usually for the hybrid mobile app and they are also for developing the product ready mobile apps .They are compatible with IOS and Android and also save a lot of time for the developers while coding the apps When developing the apps through the react native the developers need to have the comprehensive hold on the programming language to make the good use of the javascript language

It is a accepted fact that react native is one of the best programming language for building the mobile apps but to master the react native development the developers should make sure that they should concentrate on the tiny mistakes and solve them carefully

Here in this blog we are mentioning the mistakes that commonly occur when the apps are developed using the react native so lets start

Not giving attention to the details and not estimating properly

Estimating plays a very important role when you are developing the mobile app using the react native you should be using the different codes for both IOS and android since the difference is the page structure There should be always separate layouts and should be always aware of two different databases

Usage of the external module is one more mistake that developers usually commit with the intention to save the time but they usually miss to read all the codes that are extracted from them

The external modules for sure will make the help the developers with the faster coding but the developers should make sure that they pay attention to minute details when they are using the external modules

Mistake in setting up the redux store

It is known that the redux has changed over the time but the actions,reducers and store is the one you will have to still deal with The knowledge of the major components are the one which matters

When you are fresher you struggle with the store but this is the major task that you cannot ignore setting up the store is more important and you will have to set it up properly since it acts as the base for tests and debugging the applications

Redux are usually for bigger projects and can cause complications in small to very small projects

Forget to optimize the image

When you are not using the optimized images it do take the a majority of the memory space and storage and this is the important aspect that has to be given care where since the memory and storage are very important in app development

Optimizing the image is not a big task but most of the developers forget to do this by taking this task very lightly or will leaving it to the end they tend to forget it when you are developing the perfect mobile app you should make sure that each and every task has its equivalent importance

Incorrect initialization of states

There are two mistakes that are commonly made

Usage if stateless components

Or initiating the state wrong way

Developers always emphasize on the performance of the app while doing so they might use more of the stateless components this is because they donot extend any classes and return what ever is given to them in DOM This helps in easier testing and faster completion of the projects

Another mistake is the wrong initialization of the state which the developers commonly commit

In react native setState() is used for initializing and retrieving the objects state which is then compared to the previous state where the states are merged and the previous state is sent back to the datastore

If the initial state is set properly then the process carries on smootlhly But developers do commit the mistake here making the process to break resulting in the poor performance

Unwritten unit test

Unit test is the one which is oftenly gets ignored since most of the developers work with out writing it But it is for sure that with out the unit test the entire process becomes risky

When the app is completely ready and then you find out a bug in some part ,correcting or solving the error at that point of time takes a lots of efforts If you have released the app which is glitchy even then there would be a negative remark from the people using it

TO solve these scenario it is best to write the unit tests where the tests are done for the various parts or the features of the app separately and see to it weather every thing are working correctly


Developing the mobile apps using react native is becoming the trend and while developing there might be some errors that are critical but developers tends to missout of we have mentioned those errors above and most of the mobile app development companies in dubai make sure they are very careful about these errors



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