Top risks that are involved in mobile app development

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readAug 4, 2021


Developing mobile apps are easy now a days with lot of mobile app development tools and lot of mobile app development frameworks around With lot of mobile apps that are being developed on the daily basis but most of the developers do miss out on the risk that they might encounter while developing the mobile app and we are listing out those risks that you should take care while developing the mobile app

Building the apps that are not useful for the end users

When you are developing the app you should make sure that the app should be useful for the majority of the audience if the mobile apps are not useful then developing it is of no use, so when you are developing the app you should make sure that you do the proper research of the audience and this is where most of the developers go wrong They should make sure weather they are meeting the need of the audience which is the most important thing

Adding too many features

Mobile app development companies often portray themself as they develop feature rich app and most of the time they stuff the mobile apps with too many features when you add to much of features there is always a danger that the app might get heavier might get too slow and for the user it might be confusing and clumsy and in terms of cost of development it is always higher cost when you are including too much of features so developing the apps that are simple is the best solution

Thinking that the apps are always perfect

Once you are donw with the app development and you have deployed it on the platform donot think that the app is perfectly developed or donot stop there because the best reviews of your app comes from the users make sure that you deploy the apps on the platforms and wait for the review do consider both the positive and the negative reviews when you dont consider the negative reviews it is a huge set back and the risk and it is always better to consider the reviews and work on it

Nothing much unique in the app

When you are developing the mobile apps the huge risk that you will face is making the apps unique since there are a lot of mobile apps being developed and deployed on both the platforms be it the app store or the android play store it is very essential to make sure that your apps are unique to stand out of the competition and to make sure that the apps are popular for the long run

Developing the apps for multiple platforms for once

When you are developing the mobile apps usually the bigger mobile app development companies in dubai do develop for both the platform but for the smaller platforms it is advisable to develop the apps for a selected platforms after making the proper research and why is it so because of the various factors like cost of the development , the size of the team in the smaller companies and others too and to eliminate these risk it is always better to develop the apps for a targeted platforms

Bad Ui and UX

When you are developing the mobile apps the most important factor that you have to consider is the user interface and the user experience because these are the teo main factors that can increase the user engagement and the user retention and most of the times the risk of going wrong with UI and the UX factors for the mobile apps are high

Risk of the security breaches

This is the risk that any app rather than the mobile apps do face and when you are developing the mobile apps you will have to take care of multiple steps to eliminate the risk of the security breach


Developing the mobile apps are simple but when you make sure that you develop the mobile apps by taking care of the risk that are mentioned above then it is for sure that the mobile apps are successful and we brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are always considering these risks while developing the mobile apps and develop the successful mobile apps



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