Top questions you should ask when you are hiring a mobile app developer

Akshay Nanjunda
4 min readJul 3, 2021


Mobile Apps are required for almost all the niches now a days and if you own a business, be it big or small and you want a mobile app or you should have a mobile app for the business but what if you dont have a team to develop a app and you have to get in touch of one among the best mobile app development companies in dubai to get your app done .It is always better to choose the app development company carefully . you should have a list of question that you need to ask before deciding on a company , we are listing out the questions that you need to ask the app development company before you decide to give them the project and we are also letting you know the things you should be aware of before you contact any company

So what are the things you should know before are contacting the developer or a development company

Know the platform you want your app in

When you contact the company they might promise you to develop the apps for all the platforms and all the device but you should be sure for which of the devices or for which platform you want you app to be in

There are different platforms that you can develop the apps in ,it all depends on the target audience, you can develop the apps for android,IOS and you can also decide on developing the apps for the multiple platform

Make sure that concept is understood by the developer

This is the crucial point that you should make sure you have conveyed the right thing to the developer and you should also re check weather the developer has understood the concept well because when the developer understands the concept well all the phases of development will become easy

Make sure they are the experts in the topic

When you know that the app you have decided can make wonders for the business you should make sure that your mobile app is given to the developer who are expert in the topic ,many developers tend to say they are expert but you will have to double check before proceeding

Now lets see what are the questions that you should ask before hiring one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai

Can you give the details of previously developed Apps?

This is the question that you ask or not ask the agency will let you know of the apps they have done already so make sure you figure out weather they have worked on the apps that are similar to that of our app idea Give a thorough check up of the apps they show you in the portfolio and also check weather they are in the playstore and also check the review of those of apps

Can i know the clients you have worked with?

This is the question that most of them ask and forget but make sure with the client that the agency names to check weather they have actually developed the apps for them and also check weather they have any testimonials

What are the platforms that you can easily develop the app with

When you have decided to get the apps developed you might have done some research on what platform you want the app to be developed make sure weather the agency is comfortable in developing the apps in the particular platform and also check on what programming language the app is getting developed

Which is the smart phone you are using?

This is the question that you ask when you are in touch with the freelance developer,if the developer is expert in android app development or IOS app development then they should have the respective phone atleast for the user testing

Do you have a github repository?

This is the question that you again ask for a freelance developer since they maintain the project in the github repository so when you are contacting the freelance developer the question that you need to ask is the above one

Do you provide the documentation for the app?

When the app is developed you might need document to make sure that it helps another developer or the agency if they want to take the app further and also you need to ask for the guide on how to use the app

How much do you charge and what are the terms of payment?

There is a set budget that you keep in mind that you would like to pay to your app make sure that the agency offers you the app at that price point and make sure that the terms of the payment are always set to the break points where you can pay for each break point of the app that they agree to develop on


The above questions that you need to ask when you contact a developer or one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai to make sure that you are getting the app developed right



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