Tips For Complete Maintainance of Mobile Apps
The mobile apps can be bug free only through the proper maintenance of mobile apps and app developers should always makes sure that apps have no bugs Maintainance of the apps include updation of the features , removal or fixation of bugs
According to the survey more than half of the users install and uninstall the apps very quickly say with in span of 3 months what it shows is users are not satisfied with using the same features they look for the frequent update since updation is a part of maintaining the app and bug fixing has also be given the equal importance in maintaining the app
Now lets start looking at some of the advantage of maintaining the app
Data security
This makes sure that the data in the app is safe and secure every time you start maintaining the app .By maintaining the app you also take care malware and the errors
Removing the need to uninstall
Uninstalls happen where the apps is either buggy either on the front end or the back end when you start maintaining the app it is obvious that you take care of bugs both on the front end and the back end The result of frequent maintenance of mobile apps means that you are eliminating the app uninstalls and also increase the app engagement by and also helps to drive the new audience
User experience
What appeals to the audience on the first go is not the how the apps works but how the app looks on the outset ie is the app looking attractive to use if the first impression is good then for sure audience would love to use the app just like updates on the back end technology UI technology also keeps updating and frequent mainatinaance of the app will ensure that User Experience will always be up to date
This is the major advantage when you are maintaining the app if and only if you are taking the user reviews where they let you know about the problem faced while using the app each time you maintainance you have the option to come up with the new features that are problem free and specifically solving the problems mentioned by the user
Cost cutting
Proper maintenance of the app will ensure the cost cutting and it can only be done if you have kept the closer watch on the app this enables you to know what are the features that are used most and what features of the apps are similar to one another in both the cases you can eliminate those features and add on other features that are more profitable
Types of mobile app maintenance
Emergency maintenance
This is stage where it looks in to the bugs and solves the bug with in limited time
Perfective maintenance
This is related to keeping tracking of user database where in you take note of the what are the features that are used by the features most and if there are additional needs meeting them can be done in this perfective maintenance
Adaptive maintenance
This will take care of updating the features to the latest versions
Preventive maintenance
This concenterates on creating more user friendly apps and preventing the errors
Corrective maintainance
It involves in repairing the bugs in the coding and designing
What are some of the best practices of mobile app mainatainanace
Updating the app regularly
If the number of unistalls of the app has to be decreased then you will have to keep up with the technology and the desighn aspects of the app by updating these regulary with the ongoing trend user would be more satisfied with the exisitng app and not the alternative one
Monitoring the app
There are several aspects that the monitoring has to be done on weather there are any bugs if so you will have to remove it immediately and checking weather the apps are laggy or weather they are responsive enough and correcting them will give the app a exponential growth
Checking the License
Each and every app will have to have the license and license has to be carefully looked upon in terms of renewal during the maintainance
Schedule maintainance
Just maintenance of the app is not enough there should be a proper plan set up for maintenance this helps to be ahead of the race in many factors
Mobile app maintenance is a very important factor for long run success of the app and doing it does take some proper process to be fallow and we brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are always good at both maintaining the apps and creating the apps with the excellent