Reasons why IOS is more secure than Android

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readAug 19, 2021


Android and IOS are the two main platforms where the mobile apps are developed for and there are a lot of apps that are deployed to the playstore and the app store daily mobile app developers usually take many factors in to account while developing the app for the particular platform and one of the factor they consider as a priority is the security and there are a lot of points that helps us to come to decision that IOS is more secure than android and we one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are listing them below

Closed vs open

Android is a open source platform where the code is open for all and can be viewed and edited to their respective apps for every one but IOS is a closed system where the code is controlled only through the apple’s team when the platform is open source like android any one can easily find out or detect the vulnerabilities in them In Ios the control completely lies in Apple’s system and the mobile app developers have to develop the apps that abide to guidelines that are laid by Apple

The updates are rolled out faster

When ever there is a new update to the software the IOS usually updates all their devices faster making sure that all the devices are on the same version but android os roll out is slower which end up in some of the phones having the latest version but some others run with the older version and when there are this kind of differences then chances of older versions getting hacked are more and older version might have more bugs

Market share makes a difference

It is for sure that the android apps have the greater share since most of the phones that are used are android and this is one of the main reasons that android phones are more pron to the attacks

More secure

The difference in security is evident between the android and ios where the IOS uses a technology called Sandboxmethod where the apps are protected form rest of the system like if there is a malware in a app it is cannot effect the other apps in the system or rest of system In Ios app development when the apps are developed you will have to enter all the details that are needed for the application for instance when you are using the instagram you know that the camera is essential for the app and when you install the app it requests for the permission for the camera Apple makes sure that the apps cannot access the information that are not required But the android platforms are more flexible and can access the features easily

Face recognition is better

The face recognition is the recent trend now a days most of the feature do come with the face recognition as the default feature but the face recognition is IOS is always better than that of android and thanks to the TrueDepth camera that the Apple uses

More frequent updates

When compared to android Ios releases the updates more frequently and when ever a update is released the bugs and the vulnerabilities are addressed efficiently making sure that the hacking attempts are nullified

Downloaad apps

What makes the apple more safer is that there are no other sources that you can download the apps from unlike android where the android apps could be downloaded from multiple sources other than the google playstore and to add on to it apple keeps a close look at each and every program in the app store


The above are the points that details about how the security in IOS is better than the Android platform and most of the mobile app development companies in dubai are always aware of these difference and make a better move when they are developing the high secure mobile apps



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