Mobile apps have become the part and parcel of the daily life now and it has occupied each and every field right form the business to the entertainment sector.Be it any sector the success of a mobile app depends on how the apps are being developed weather they are developed in the right way and the if the right audience is met with the app When speaking of mobile app development just it should not be taught of back end coding of the mobile or a coding in java, mobile app also means that the design of the mobile apps have also be kept in mind, it is the design of the mobile apps that more times decides weather the apps are make or a break
We brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are mentioning impact of having the bad user experience for the mobile apps
The loading time would be slower
When people have though of using the mobile apps for some purpose the reason would be that they get the things faster but when they start using the app and they feel that the loading of the app is itself taking more time then users would not like to use the app It is very important to make sure that UX should be designed in such a way that the apps have a very good loading time
The statistics do say that if the loading time is with itn 3 seconds then the bounce rate of the app is 32 percent and if the bounce rate is more than that the bounce rate would equaling 100 percent
The usage becomes difficult
There is a wrong perception that if the apps have more features the people would are more interested in using The apps should not have too many features ,having too many features makes the app’s loading time slow And also users might be in a confusion what are the main feature of the app and also find difficult in navigating with in the app The best ways to avoid this mistake is to have the features that are most required and keep the app simple
The navigation with the app would be problem
The apps be it small or be it a bigger app the navigation with in the app has to be good , users should be able to find all the features of the apps easily one of the best examples of what having a bad app navigation can do is “consider you have developed a app for car cleaning service and the user using the app is trying to find the service near by and he has decided to search it in the app and he cannot find the search button on the home screen he thinks that the app has the limited service and unsinstalls the app or finds the alternative one “ This instance proves that the app’s navigation part has to be correctly placed
Would not be able to find the appropriate content
The content of the apps also matters when you are developing the apps make sure that you place the right content in the right place when the user turns into a apps page hoping for some content and sees the irrelevant content the user will be lost on where to navigate for the proper content and this might end up loosing the user for the app
The above are the points that can happen when the UX of the app are not properly designed most of the companies donot concentrate on this aspects too much,but we brillmindz one of the best android app development companies in dubai make sure that the user experience are taken at the top priority for each of the app we develop
Impact of poor UX on mobile apps
Mobile apps have become the part and parcel of the daily life now and it has occupied each and every field right form the business to the entertainment sector.Be it any sector the success of a mobile app depends on how the apps are being developed weather they are developed in the right way and the if the right audience is met with the app When speaking of mobile app development just it should not be taught of back end coding of the mobile or a coding in java, mobile app also means that the design of the mobile apps have also be kept in mind, it is the design of the mobile apps that more times decides weather the apps are make or a break
We brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are mentioning impact of having the bad user experience for the mobile apps
The loading time would be slower
When people have though of using the mobile apps for some purpose the reason would be that they get the things faster but when they start using the app and they feel that the loading of the app is itself taking more time then users would not like to use the app It is very important to make sure that UX should be designed in such a way that the apps have a very good loading time
The statistics do say that if the loading time is with itn 3 seconds then the bounce rate of the app is 32 percent and if the bounce rate is more than that the bounce rate would equaling 100 percent
The usage becomes difficult
There is a wrong perception that if the apps have more features the people would are more interested in using The apps should not have too many features ,having too many features makes the app’s loading time slow And also users might be in a confusion what are the main feature of the app and also find difficult in navigating with in the app The best ways to avoid this mistake is to have the features that are most required and keep the app simple
The navigation with the app would be problem
The apps be it small or be it a bigger app the navigation with in the app has to be good , users should be able to find all the features of the apps easily one of the best examples of what having a bad app navigation can do is “consider you have developed a app for car cleaning service and the user using the app is trying to find the service near by and he has decided to search it in the app and he cannot find the search button on the home screen he thinks that the app has the limited service and unsinstalls the app or finds the alternative one “ This instance proves that the app’s navigation part has to be correctly placed
Would not be able to find the appropriate content
The content of the apps also matters when you are developing the apps make sure that you place the right content in the right place when the user turns into a apps page hoping for some content and sees the irrelevant content the user will be lost on where to navigate for the proper content and this might end up loosing the user for the app
The above are the points that can happen when the UX of the app are not properly designed most of the companies donot concentrate on this aspects too much,but we brillmindz one of the best android app development companies in dubai make sure that the user experience are taken at the top priority for each of the app we develop