Know how the android app platform works

Akshay Nanjunda
2 min readJun 28, 2021


Android is a open source software it is based on on a linux and supports various devices For a developer developing the android apps it is also very important to know the architecture of the android app platform and in the below blog we will let you know about the android platform architecture

The components of Android Architecture are as fallows

The linux kernel

The android is built on the linux kernel and the functionalities like low level memory,threading uses the kernel, it is used during the android run time The usage of the kernel strengthens the security of the app

Android runtime

There are many android devices that has it own runtime,android runtime can rum multiple virtual machine of low memory at the same time,It uses the bytecode format which makes sure that the minimal memory is used

The android runtime has the two main features like Ahead of time and just in time compilations, it also supports the optimized garbage collections Android runtime also offer the better debugging,helps in detailed diagnostic and crash reporting also

The android runtime also offers various features

Native android libraries

When you are writing the code for android you will require native libraries that are based on c and c++, this is a crucial since the ART and HAL are from the native libraries Android developers can use the java frameworks to utilize this native libraries

Java Api Frameworks

Android OS Features are made available through the Java API, these API’s are the building blocks for the process of android app development,Using these Java API’s you can reuse the core code and modular components of the system and other services .It also helps in building the app’s UI using the extensible view system and you can use the resource manager for non coding resources also some of the non coding resources are like graphics,layouts and notifications manager for the custom alerts, the Java API framework can help you manage the apps through activity tracker

Android system apps

Android system have a enormous apps for email,sms,calendar contacts and internet browsing whe you use these apps they become the user’s default app when they start using their phone

The key features are enabled when they use the system apps for the android developers


We have let you know the architecture of the android platform, there are many Mobile app development companies in dubai and around the world developing the apps are aware of this architecture and using the android platforms to the fullest extent



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