how the user behaviour differ from android to ios

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readAug 22, 2021


Mobile app development companies do develop the apps day in and day out and in the process they consider a lot of metrics which are very important and one of the metric they do forget is the difference in the user behaviour from Android and IOS this metric is different from the user behaviour on the individual platform here the importance lies in the difference between the behaviour and leets start seeing them one by one

Do the personality play a role?

The personality does play a major role in choosing the smartphones, there are two kind of users that are normally found one of them is socially outgoing and another is bit of reserved category and most of the android users fall to the second category where they use the android phones but the iphone users are more of outgoing and they might have the more of the honesty in them

Android users are the one that would be budget oriented while IOS users prefer to spend more on the products But this is the factor that has not to be taken too seriously

How they view the technology

According to one of the surveys IOS users are the ones who are more likely to adopt and are the ones who have first started using the internet and they are the one who are more loyal to the brand where as the android users are the one whose adoption to the newer terms are but delayed and they are the one who would like complete features at the expense of the appearance

Behaviour on push notifications

This might be a interesting point but yes the users behave differently to the push notifications and they differ to an extent The 3.5% of the android users open the push notifications while the IOS users have the less percentage of 1.8% and one of the major reasons for the difference in the open rates are in android the notifications do remain on the lock screen until they are opened but in IOS they do vanish after some time

And another factor to consider for the push notifications are the time taken by the users to react to the push notifications in IOS the user tend to react with on 7 minutes if the notification on the average where as in android the average time for reaction by the users are almost 48 minutes the outcome from this point is the apple users are more likely to interact more with the push notifications

Gain of the user base, engagement and also the user retention

One of the interesting fact is the cost which is required to for a user to be attracted to the app and that depends on the goal of the app which might be the registration,reservation,purchase or something else and the cost also varies with respect to IOS and android

And when the talk is about the user engagement IOS has the better app engagement once the app is installed in but when the apps are something of the registration Android performs better

What the above point means is that the user engagement are the one which decides the succes of the app

How loyal are they to the specific platform

When the loyalty is spoken the IOS users are the one who are more loyal to the brand when compared to the android users This is because android users are likely the ones who are always open to the changes or always wants something new and also the users likes the customisation that the platforms offers where as the users of the IOS are the ones who are always stable ones would like to use the device with out much of customisation they would like to spend more time on the apps rather than the appearance of the phone

IOS users are the one who are more likely to remain on the platform for the longer time and 62% of the iOS users are more satisfied with the platform where as 48% of the android users are satisfied with the platform that they are using


The above are the points that more the app developers feel not useful but it plays a major role when you have to make a decision on what platform you have to develop the app and some of the best mobile app development companies in dubai do fallow these while deciding on the platform



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