Benefits of using artificial intelligence in mobile apps

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readJun 9, 2021


The Mobile apps have changed the complete way we work and live, it has also become one of the main modes of entertainment The make the mobile apps more engaging and innovative mobile app development companies have started using Artificial intelligence in their apps There are lots of benefits both for the developers and users when AI in used in a mobile apps .lets start seeing the benefits using AI in mobile apps

benefits of Ai on mobile apps

Easy to Detect the error and fix them

As said earlier When AI is used in the mobile apps it helps both the users and developers , this advantage is concerned to the developer.The error detection has become very easy and solving them.AI has the feature where in you it detects the errors automatically and automatically fixes them, this makes sure that the apps are developed faster

Improved Reasoning

With Ai in mobile apps the user feels that the apps are personalised to him and developers of the app can also judge what is best for each user using the app For example If you have booked a car clean service and you are dropping the car to the location,what AI does is it helps you with the shorter routes,hows the traffic enroute and one more instance can be a parking app Ai gives the power where the user can easily see where the parking space is or when you are in a queue it helps you keep updated when ever your numberings

The easy to do the tasks that are repetitive

Lets us take a instance where you have fixed a meet officially or with some family members to join the meet what if you want to send the reminder of the meet again and again and that is a hectic task AI eliminates this process and scheduling of the reminder can be made and at scheduled time the message could automatically be sent This reduces the users burden into half

Knowing the customer more

AI has a major role to identify the mistakes from the experience of the users using the apps The NLP along with machine learning helps in knowing the mistakes from the past This can provide the user with the better user experience

Giving the better user experience
The main reason for the uninstalling the apps or retaining the users of the apps are the user experience with in the app,when we have a app that has AI empowered it takes a huge step in giving the better user experience Artificial intelligence can lesser the loading time of the app and also results in smooth user experience

Significant increase in revenue for the commercial apps

When you have built the commercial app with AI it is for sure that the apps can give the user a better performance and user experience When the users are satisfied there is a greater chance the app gets trended and the demand for the app increases and also increases the revenue

Empowering the chatbots

Chatbots are the part of the conversational UI When you enter some of the apps there is a popup that chats to you automatically it helps you to solve the queries ,this makes the whole process easy and upgrade the performance of the app to the next level


The introduction of AI to the mobile apps have increasingly upgraded the way the apps do work, this has increased the number of downloads of the apps and most the android app development companies have started using AI in the apps they develop and we Brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai can develop the apps with AI enabled in them at any point of time with the expert team of developers we have



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